Why earn with us?
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    We help our users to select high-quality DeFi projects and streamline liquidity mining into one easy click

    Smart Pool

    The DeFi pool that allows you to withdraw any time and compound interest hourly

    Your funds will be directly - or used as collateral to be - invested in third party DeFi protocols, including Curve, Swerve, etc




    DeFi Intelligence

    Selected DeFi projects, flexible redemption option

    Selected high-quality DeFi protocols to help you conduct liquidity mining among the highest yield DeFi projects. Simply deposit and wait for the yield to be credited to your account!


    AMM, Stable currency exchange

    An AMM (Automated Market Maker) protocol specializing in stablecoins exchange, which can provide traders with stable exchange services that have low slippage and low transaction fees





    Algorithmic collateralized loan

    An algorithmic collateralized loan protocol which allows users to borrow assets with current variables or earn interests by supplying assets


    Decentralised non-custodial liquidity market protocol

    A decentralized non-custodial liquidity market protocol in which users can borrow or deposit



Do you have questions?

Please feel free to go to the FAQ section if you cannot find the answer to your question or chat with our customer support available 24/7.

  • Fixed Income
  • Flexi Saving
  • Smart Pool
  • DeFi Intelligence
  • DeFi Curve
  • Compound

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